Friday, February 6, 2009

My kids are soooo sweet...

We are still waiting for my minivan to arrive from Hawaii. While we are waiting, DH is taking the shuttle from Bothell to Redmond. I've been dropping him off at the shuttle site and picking him up again at the end of the day. Today though bibliomom and I decided that we are going to take the 4 oldest to a play this evening. If we are going to a play then we need DH to pick up 2 youngest kids and he needs a car to do that. So he took bibliomom's car to work today. Knowing that I didn't have to get up and get ready to take him to the shuttle today (and bibliomom's daughter doesn't go to school today) we told the kids last night, "tomorrow when you wake up, be really quiet, get yourselves breakfast, don't wake up the moms" Well my kids really try, but they apparantly couldn't contain themsleves past about 7:30.....oh well they are sweet and they meant well, but.....well they are just so sweet for even trying....

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